Hans Villamayor_04_©_Archisource.jpg




Winner of the Narrative Award - Hans Villamayor

Winner - Narrative Award

Hans Villamayor: ‘Here-Everywhere' illustrates the delirious experiences of disturbed places in lockdown. Quarantines physically limit people to their homes. Historically, patients spending extended periods in care settings have experienced delirium, causing short attention-span, incoherence, poor orientation and cognition. Extended quarantine has led to a similar imbalance.’

Judges’ thoughts

To put it mildly, 2020 has been quite an overwhelming experience. We’ve come to know our homes incredibly well, both in positive and negative lights over the past year. It has been a blur with feelings of isolation, worry, discomfort and feeling trapped. The optical illusion of Hans’ drawing does well to represent the upside-down situation we’ve grown used to and the ways in which we’ve adapted our homes into our makeshift office, cinema, gym + much more!

The whimsical nature of the drawing really captures the bizarre situation and the new epicentre of our lives, our homes. We felt that Hans’ drawing embodied the fundamental elements of the narrative category with the narrative driving both the content and the way it is represented. The piece was not only fitting for 2020, but the quality and creativity of composition makes this piece a worthy winner any year.

Fingers crossed for 2021…


Highly Commended I Narrative Award

Jonas Andresen: ‘Responsive City' proposes a new way to inhabit and change the density of cities, where the boundaries between social distancing and daily inhabitation start to overlap and interact with each other. This project speculates on what it means to inhabit transparency and how this notion can help to connect individuals. As a result, the project creates an ecosystem of overlooking and a housing typology that stems from its immediate surroundings.’

Judges’ thoughts

“The calm colour palette and clever lighting creates a very atmospheric and thought provoking piece. The silhouettes and targeted light sources create a softness in what appears to be a harsh environment and draws your eye through the scene. A really sophisticated and striking composition and use of colour that we felt had to be commended for the simplistic but powerful nature. An all-round beautiful image.”

Jonas Andresen_© Archisource.jpg

Jonas has given a behind-the-scenes feature in the Archisource Annual 2021. Learn how this image was created and be inspired through the exclusive Author Insights.


Commended for the Narrative Award - Xiaoliang Deng


Commended I Narrative Award

Xiaoliang Deng: ‘Around the isle, the spiritual journey of earthly repent establishes a commitment to recycling, a process mirroring the ancient belief in life as a repetitive cycle that Nietzsche revived in the concept of ‘eternal recurrence’.’

Judges’ thoughts

“Xiaoliang has created a beautiful and suggestive piece and one that captures its spiritual narrative through its meticulous quality. The drawing is enhanced by the level of detail and there is a subtly to the composition and sophisticated use of scenery framing the moments which tell stories. We felt that the quality of Xiaoliang’s series of drawings submitted should be commended, these can be viewed in the Archisource Collection.


Special Mention

Alastair Johnson for Metropolitan Workshop, UK

Special Mention for the Narrative Award - Alastair Johnson for Metropolitan Workshop

Special Mention for the Narrative Award - Alastair Johnson for Metropolitan Workshop


Check out the Archisource Annual 2021 to find out more from Hans, Jonas, Alastair and other top talent’s behind-the-scenes creative process and much more! Be a better creative with the Archisource Annual 2021




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