



Archisource presents our annual - free to enter - open to all international drawing competition

in partnership with Affinity

Our mission is to support and unite the creative community at all skill levels; with thanks to our partners we’re very excited to bring you the biggest and most inclusive competition of its kind that celebrates the diverse creative talent around the world.

Delivering the largest, most accessible competition of its kind is only possible thanks to our partners. Our partners share our ethos for inspiring and empowering the creative community. We all very much look forward to seeing the diverse variety of creations and amazing imagery submitted in this year’s competition.

The 2022 Architectural Award is brought to you in partnership with Bentley’s MicroStation

With special thanks to ARki App, Fritz Hansen, reMarkable for supporting the competition and to all our prize partners!




The Universal Licence worth £144.99 includes Affinity Designer 2, Affinity Photo 2 and Affinity Publisher 2 for Mac, iPad and Windows PC


The award-winning graphic design, image editing and page layout software used by architects around the world

Affinity is the only creative suite offering vector graphic design, image editing and page layout fully integrated across Mac, iPad and Windows PC

Delivering accessible, lean, and collaborative functionality, Affinity Designer 2, Affinity Photo 2 and Affinity Publisher 2 are being used by millions worldwide. Tailored to run optimally on the latest hardware and compatible with all major file types, Affinity’s speed, power and lack of bloat streamline your workflow, meaning you can do more, quicker.

Affinity is trusted by leading global architecture firms including Perkins & Eastman, HOK, Corgan, NORR, SCB, Quinn Evans, EUA, and MG2, in North America plus Schneider+Schumacher, Burckhardt+Partner, AS+P Albert Speer + Partner GmbH, Itten+Brechbühl AG, Broadway Malyan, Scott Brownrigg and Simpson Haugh in Europe.

Affinity is also being adopted widely in higher education, across disciplines including Architecture & Design to Science.

Archisource: “We are very excited have Affinity unite with us and support this year’s Drawing of the Year competition. Affinity share our strong ethos for supporting creatives and we are thrilled that Affinity are offering V2 Universal Licence to ALL ENTRIES for free. The aim of the competition has always been to support and inspire the creative community and Affinity is helping us take that goal even further, generously giving access to their recently launched V2 suite of creative apps!

Affinity’s apps offer an incredible opportunity to access brilliant and powerful creative software at an affordable price. For us, Affinity is the perfect creative tool for students and professionals and we can’t wait to see what creatives make with their creative software!”


The 2022 Architectural Award is brought to you in partnership with Bentley’s MicroStation


Bentley’s MicroStation

MicroStation is the instrument professionals rely on to design, model, and manage infrastructure.

It’s more sophisticated than a tool – it’s an accessible instrument that offers power, control, efficiency, and security. It excels at enabling innovative design and creative visualizations and consolidates critical project elements in a single environment for effective, secure project deliverables. It’s built to scale from the smallest to the largest of infrastructure projects that can span days, months, or years. And it’s the foundation that supports the entire Bentley modeling ecosystem.

• Interoperability – Work with native DGN and incorporate legacy data and file formats like DWG, and point-cloud data without conversions.

• Reliability – Work collaboratively on any size project without size restrictions, crashes, or complications, knowing your system will always be on.

• Visualization – Analyze and perform data visualizations on models based on their geometry or underlying attributes.

• Standards – We’re an industry standard which means your documentation is always standards compliant.

• Real Data – Design with accurate real-world context, automatically, with geospatial information from hundreds of systems.

For Students

Bentley Systems has also opened the doors to students who are considering a career in infrastructure and to those who like to explore the many options in this ever-changing industry. Get access to learning licenses of over 60 Bentley applications at no cost and grow from there! Register here

MicroStation is also giving away 12 Month Subscription Licenses to each of our Award Category Winners!

Archisource: “As a fundamental 2D and 3D CAD software for architects and built environment designers, MicroStation is helping us to support and inspire the next generation of architects through this award and by offering powerful professional software to the winners.”



ARki App

Recognised as one of the best Augmented Reality apps by Apple, ARki is an AR platform which helps 3D designers and Architects visualise their projects in location, improve the way they communicate their designs, and ultimately market their projects!

Take your projects to the next level with interactive, on-site visualisations, which help you iterate faster, and design better!

ARki helps streamline 3d data between the various stakeholders during all stages of an architectural project, and allows everyone involved to have an easier understanding of 3d drawings.



Inspired by paper, reMarkable 2 is a tool for note-taking, reading, and annotating documents without digital distractions. reMarkable 2 has the ability to convert handwritten notes into text, along with options for organizing, sharing, annotating and searching documents - aimed at anyone who likes writing by hand, but wants to be able to reuse their work in their digital workflow. Based in Oslo, Norway, reMarkable is the leading innovator within the paper tablet category.


Fritz Hansen

Fritz Hansen is an exclusive, international design brand whose timeless collection unites world-famous classic and contemporary furniture, lighting and accessories.

Unique designs require a unique approach. For 150 years, Fritz Hansen have brought ideas to life, carefully crafting visionary designs from some of the world’s most pioneering minds. At Fritz Hansen, they are not only dedicated to creating timeless design, but are also dedicated to always delivering the best possible quality.