Archisource Drawing of the Year 2025 - About.jpg




The Drawing of the Year Awards have become the ultimate accolade in visual representations in architecture, the arts, design and the built environment. 2025 marks the sixth year of the aspirational Awards which recognise excellence in drawing and image creation, celebrating imagery and creations across all styles, typologies, and across digital and physical media.

The Drawing of the Year Awards have become one of the largest and most accessible Awards of its kind with the 2025 prize roster amounting to over £125,000 worth of prizes.

“The Awards were formed both as a celebration of creativity, but also as a needed disruptor within the creative Awards industry. Inclusivity and accessibility are at the heart of the mission of the Awards, and we are very proud to host the Awards rightfully recognising talents without fees or barriers to be celebrated. We strongly believe that creativity incites creativity - our mission as a collective has been to provide a platform for showcasing the most inspiring creators and inspire so many more in that process.”



All Shortlisted Entries Will Receive 180 Day Pro D5 Render + Affinity V2 Universal Licences


We are proud to be collaborating with D5 Render and HP for the Drawing of the Year Awards 2025. D5 Render and HP Z Workstations inspire creatives on their journey to keep evolving, providing industry-leading real time visualisation tools that empower the creative process and powerful hardware that is designed for creative and technical professionals. Together, D5 Render’s innovative solutions and HP’s high-performance Workstation portfolio can drive creativity and efficiency in complex, multi-software workflows.

AWard Categories

  • The Beyond Visualisation Award 2025 is brought to you in partnership with Hayes Davidson

    Awarded to those who are pushing the boundaries of visualisation and embracing the creative possibilities of new tools and emerging technology. Using ‘What if…” as a starting point for creativity, the award recognises those that demonstrate innovation not just in the creative interpretation of the tools they use to shape more imaginative representations, but also in the application of creative solutions to address evolving industry challenges.

  • The Digital Drafting Award 2025 is brought to you in partnership with Bentley’s MicroStation

    Awarded to a standout representation of exemplar quality demonstrating excellence across 2D / 3D digital drafting. This award recognises all types of drawings and this genre seeks to find the most accomplished drawings across all produced through the creative process of 2D / 3D CAD, BIM to other digital drafting software in any style.

  • Awarded to an outstanding drawing which excels within the field and process of digital media. The Awards spans all types of drawings and digital mediums recognising standout works across illustrative, collage, to digital hand drawings created in any style, showcasing those that have truly excelled with their approach to digital media production and digital creative approach.

  • The Hand Drawn Award 2025 is brought to you in partnership with LEUCHTTURM1917 and Winsor & Newton

    This Award recognises the technique and process of exemplary hand drawing skill. The category spans works created across physical (analogue) and digital media methods where hand techniques have been fundamental to the creative process. The award recognises the most accomplished visual hand communicators and those that have achieved great levels of representation through hand drawn techniques.

  • Awarded to a standout representation of exemplar quality demonstrating excellence of craft and representation across multiple media from physical (analogue) to digital media. This award recognises all types of representations and seeks to award those that have achieved captivating visual creations that bridge between two or more media methods.

  • The Visualisation Award 2025 is brought to you in partnership with Trimble SketchUp

    Awarded to a standout visualisation of exemplar quality. The award recognises the most accomplished visualised imagery that excels as key mechanisms for representation. The judges will assess imagery holistically with particular focus on composition, lighting, atmosphere, materiality and narrative. The purpose of this award is to celebrate visualisations as a fundamental tool within creative industries and to showcase their power in conveying ideas, narratives and proposals.

MEdal Categories

  • The Affinity Award 2025 is brought to you in partnership with Affinity creative software

    Recognising standout works created using the Affinity creative suite as key software within the creative process. The Award spans all types of drawings and digital mediums recognising standout works across illustrative, collage, to digital hand drawings created in any style, showcasing those that have truly excelled with their use of Affinity creative software.

    This Medal will be selected by the Affinity creative team.

  • “We strongly believe that creativity incites creativity. We need creativity and creative thinkers to shape a more interesting world.” - Archisource 

    The Creativity Medal recognises standout works and makers that are pushing boundaries in innovative representations, to designs with originality and creative flare.

  • Recognising standout works which demonstrate approaches, agendas or design awareness to the environment. Judges will be recognising those that display exemplar qualities in their environment design approach to its social, human and sustainable impact.

  • Judged by Narinder Sagoo MBE, Art Director, Senior Partner at Foster + Partners

    The Hand Skill Medal recognises works that demonstrate outstanding skill in hand communication and exemplar hand drawn techniques. The judge Narinder Sagoo MBE wants to recognise the ‘power of the pen’ and the importance of hand drawing as a fundamental skill within the design process.

  • Recognising standout works which demonstrate approaches, qualities to agendas that centre around designing for positive human experiences. 

    The Humanity Medal has been created to build awareness of how users feel in the built environment recognising social impact, design interest, experiential characteristics, awareness of the impacts to users, to the emotive and creative qualities translated through design.

  • Recognising outstanding works which excel in conveying strong narratives and wider dialogues through its medium and beyond its visual representation. The award recognises the most accomplished visual story-tellers, those that have achieved great levels of communication through critical, subtle or emotive visual narratives.



The expert judging panel for the fifth Awards included creative practitioners and industry experts each with unique knowledge and experience of architecture, design and image creation. With members of the panel from renowned studios and collectives including; Foster + Partners, RSHP, Allford Hall Monaghan Morris, Hayes Davidson, to the London Festival of Architecture. The judges continue to be inspired by the level of quality, talent and creativity submitted year on year.

The 2025 Expert Judging Panel will be revealed in March 2025.

  • “The computer has given power to explore the realms of reality over the last 2.5 decades. AI will continue to pursue this with or without our presence. The word 'visualisation' dates back to the early ages of this tool within architectural practice. We must question ourselves as to ‘why’ we must explore reality. The Architecture will never really look like the ‘render’ so the the only real power we hold here as artists is to talk about and evoke ‘feeling’.

    ‘How will my building make you feel’, human emotion assisted with the power of the familiar, to design the way we make people feel. The most successful entries here are those who have used architecture as a backdrop to explore atmosphere, feeling and human sensory placemaking.”






The London Exhibition 2025 is in collaboration with D5 Render, HP and Affinity

Launching 10th July 2025 for 10 days, the London Exhibition 2025 is a major celebration of creativity and a unique collection of the best creative minds and future thinkers. Hear from thought leaders at our evening talk series and be inspired by top studios showcasing their design process, alongside the top works from the Awards that are pushing boundaries in visual representation and creative imagery in collaboration with D5 Render, HP and Affinity.

Submit your works for the chance to be featured alongside some of the most notable architectural practices from around the world.

Full details will be announced soon so stay tuned for updates on the ultimate creative showcase!




Our mission is to support and inspire the creative community at all skill levels without barriers. We’re very excited to bring you the largest and most inclusive visual Awards of its kind. Delivering the free to enter Awards is only possible thanks to our partners who share our ethos for inspiring and empowering the creative community.

With special thanks to D5 Render, HP and Affinity, our 2025 Award Partners supporting creative talents Hayes Davidson, SketchUp, Bentley’s MicroStation, LEUCHTTURM1917 and Winsor & Newton and our prize partners!

As featured on Amazing Architecture



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